Under Muslim rule through the ages, non Muslims were afforded the status of dhimmi, a euphemism that literally means "protected people" but in actuality has meant second class citizen. Native populations were dhimmitized forcefully by the violent subjugation at the hands of their Muslim conquerors.
Now, the people of the west are self-dhimmitizing, as they actively will the transformation of their countries into Muslim lands, not by the sword, but by immigration. Look at Piers Morgan, attacking Tommy Robinson, while demanding that Robinson put down the Koran and show it respect:
Robinson attempts to make the point that while not all Muslims are bad people, Islam itself is a bad ideology, and he has the quotes, from the Koran, to back up that claim. Piers Morgan, already a dhimmi by willing submission, is clearly as ignorant as a stump, but considers it his sacred duty, nevertheless, to defend Islam and it's prophet and holy book, not by facts and argument, but by shouting down one of the few people willing to tell the truth.
Tommy Robinson is seeking a peaceful solution to the escalating violence in the west, and Piers Morgan, and those like him, are already so inured to their new masters, that they insist on defending the indefensible until Britain is ruled by a Caliphate.